Sunday, 25 August 2013

The Hot Flashes - A Movie!

Woo hoo! The cat's out of the bag and us 'flashers' are going to the movies ;) I've been told Mental Pause would make a great movie... now I just need someone to turn it into a screen play!

I'm definitely going to see this one:

Who do you think should play Abbie, Rachel and Joan? I had Julia Roberts, Jennifer Anniston and Angelina Jolie in mind!

Friday, 9 August 2013

The Positive Side of Mental Pause

 Have you ever felt all of these at once?

The great thing about feeling these new sensations is that I can get into so many different character's heads when I'm writing and describe thoughts and feelings I could only imagine before :)

If you're a writer, it's a windfall! If not, well... I'm not sure there's a bright side then. What do you think?